Friday, February 22, 2008

Maggie Is 8 Months Old and Getting Big

Dr Hong visited the orhanage this past week.

Maggie continues to be healthy and happy

as you can see by the picture to the right.

Looks like she is discovering her hands.

Baby Shower

My dear friends gave me a baby shower
Friday, March 14th. So much generosity
and warm wishes. Maggie received so many
nice gifts. We also received a shared Mother and
Daughter gift - a porch swing for reading storys.
Thank you everyone!

Maggie Got Her First Tooth

Yesterday the adoptioin agency was pleased to
announce Maggie got her first tooth. The
picture to the right was taken yesterday by
Beth from PLAN. Dr. Hong, the agency's Doctor
visited to orphanage to check on the babies. She
reported that they are all very healthy and
doing just fine.

More Pictures Of Maggie

I found more pictures of Maggie and the orphanage.
It is so comforting to see by the pictures that all the babies
look healthy and well cared for. The inside of the orphanage
appears to be in good order and very clean. It is currently
Vietnam's winter so the babies are all bundled up so to keep

Maggie looks very healthy and happy. Got to love the
oversized red sweater - Go Wings!
My little munckin!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Alivia Turns 1

On Saturday, February 16th my friend Mary's
Alivia turned 1. Mary and Greg traveled to Vietnam
August, 2007 to finalize their adoption of Alivia.
Mary and I are hoping Maggie and Alivia will
become good play mates.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

2007 The Year of The Golden Fire Pig

I found out that last year, 2007 the year Maggie & Maddie were born, was a "special" year to the Vietnamese. It was the year of the Golden Fire Pig which only comes around once in every 600 years. Babies born in that year are said to experience a prosporous and wealthy life. Apparently many people try to have children during a Fire Pig Year because it is so special and rare.